Our Resources


BrannonPatrick.com is the home base for Brannon's courses and resources for helping men and women work through the pain and struggle of broken relationships.

Therapy UTAH is a practice for helping men and women overcome their sexual addictions and find healing from betrayal trauma through meaningful work with the best therapists. 


Love Strong is a Christian counseling practice based in Logan, Utah. They offer  designed to get to the core of living the best type of life, a WHOLEHEARTED life of connection to God, Self, and Others. Love Strong to overcome addiction and heal from past traumas.

Tyler spends so much of his time out in nature, he's been dubbed "The Wandering Therapist". He created The Wandering Therapist Sessions as an outlet to share some of the pressing thoughts and feelings from his week as a therapist and to help others who are struggling with difficult emotional terrain of their own.

On The WHOLEHEARTED Podcast, Tyler and his co-host, Chase, share stories and principles of W.H.O.L.E.H.E.A.R.T.E.D. living. They invite engerizing guests to come onto the show who are great examples of the Love Strong core principles.